リンシェーピングHC リンシェーピングHC   IFマルメ・レッドホークス IFマルメ・レッドホークス
2 Pts 3
27 Shots 21
7 ペナルティ 8
66 Goals on Power Play 0
2 / 3 - 0 / 2


リンシェーピングHC IFマルメ・レッドホークス
45 - Defender - Simon Lundmark Niklas Arell - Defender - 42
32 - Defender - Lukas Bengtsson Carl Persson - Forward - 95
3 - Defender - Almen Bibic マーカス ビョーク - Defender - 7
36 - Forward - Filip Karlsson Anton Myllari - Defender - 59
22 - Forward - Adam Brodecki Axel Wemmenborn - Forward - 15
4 - Defender - Chad Billins Linus Lindstrand Kronholm - Defender - 12
20 - Forward - Nick Sorensen Jens Olsson - Defender - 28
30 - Guard - Jacob Johansson Tobias Ekberg - Defender - 50
19 - Forward - Joe Whitney フレデリク ハンデマーク - Forward - 63
27 - Forward - Dan Pettersson Anton Ohman - Defender - 36
14 - Defender - Kristoffer Gunnarsson Max Gortz - Forward - 17
17 - Forward - フレデリク カールストロム Henrik Hetta - Forward - 20
31 - Forward - オーレ リクセル Frederik Storm - Forward - 9
71 - Forward - Daniel Olsson Trkulja Pontus Netterberg - Forward - 77
41 - Forward - Broc Little Emil Sylvegard - Forward - 51
37 - Defender - アダム ギニング Konstantin Komarek - Forward - 67
84 - Forward - Jimmy Andersson Per Ledin - Forward - 97
18 - Forward - James Wright Oscar Alsenfelt - Guard - 69
53 - Defender - Eddie Larsson Christoffer Forsberg - Forward - 23
9 - Forward - Derek Roy Johan Olofsson - Forward - 8
50 - Guard - Jonas Gustavsson Kim Rosdahl - Forward - 96
13 - Forward - Andrew Gordon Gustav Wallden - Guard - 41


1 2 3 F
2 0 0 2
0 1 2 3


  • Goal 1 - Linköping HC - Roy
  • Goal 2 - Linköping HC - Bengtsson
  • Race to 2 - Linköping HC
  • Score at the end of 1st Period 2-0
  • Goal 3 - IF Malmö Redhawks - Storm
  • Score at the end of 2nd Period 2-1
  • Goal 4 - IF Malmö Redhawks - Any Other Player
  • Goal 5 - IF Malmö Redhawks - Görtz
  • Race to 3 - IF Malmö Redhawks
  • Score at the end of 3rd Period 2-3